
Guild Officers:
President: The Rt Rev John D P Lomas,
Lord Bishop of Swansea and Brecon

Ex-officio Vice-Presidents: The Ven Alan N Jevons, Archdeacon of Brecon and The Ven Jonathan B Davies, Archdeacon of Gower

Honorary Vice-Presidents: Mrs Hilary Rose, Sketty

Master: Rev’d Andrew Knight

Secretary: Grace Dooley

TreasurerDavid Childs

Public Relations Officer (North): Tom Harris
Public Relations Officer (South): Mark Anderson

Training Officer: Hal Drysdale

Peal Recorder: Paul Johnson
all peals are now on Bellboard
Bell Adviser – Non Expert : David Childs

Bell Restoration Fund Trustees: David Childs, Paul Johnson, Gillian Knight

Central Council Representative: Grace Dooley